Friday, March 1, 2019

February Word Count Update

Well, February was much better than January in regards to word count. Maybe it was because there were only 28 days in the month, or maybe because I wrote more. Here are the stats:

Monthly Goal: 42,000 words (28 days x 1,500 words)
Actual Words Written: 43,829 words
+/- Difference: + 1,829 words
Average Words/Day: 1,565.132 Words/Day
Number of Days of More Than 1,500 Words Written: 17 Days (60.7%)

Year To Date 
Word count Goal for the Year (Jan&Feb): 88,500 words
Actual Words written: 80,415 Words
+/- Difference: - 8,085 words

What did I lean this month? That sitting the old butt down in the chair works! Looking back over the month, I spent maybe an extra fifteen hours writing in February. Average for January was about 2.75 hours/day, while the average for February was almost an hour more -- 3.64 hours.

Looking at the word count, that is spread out over four different projects, but 80K is a novel-length work. Assuming I could do that in month in and month out, that would be 6 80K novels a year -- that isn't bad.

Well, short entry tonight, hope 2019 is being good to you all.




All the Outcast Ops novels I co-authored with Rick Chesler are on Amazon and are part of the Kindle Direct program. African Firestorm is here: Outcast Ops: African Firestorm on Amazon! Red Ice is here: Outcast Ops: Red Ice on Amazon! Watchlist is here: Outcast Ops: Watchlist on Amazon. Shadow Gov is here: Outcast Ops: Shadow Gov on Amazon!

In addition, there is a physical version of Watchlist here: Outcast Ops: Watchlist Paperback

For those in the United Kingdom, Outcast Ops: African Firestorm on Amazon UK!! Red Ice is here: Outcast Ops: Red Ice on Amazon UK! Watchlist is here: Outcast Ops: Watchlist on Amazon UK! and the brand new Shadow Gov is here: Outcast Ops: Shadow Gov on Amazon UK

For anyone else, please check your country's Amazon Website (if there is one).

Also, check out the other Outcast ops novels. Outcast Ops: Game of Drones by Rick Jones and Rick Chesler and Outcast Ops: The Poseidon Initiative by Rick Chesler.

In addition, Outcast Ops novels are on audiobooks! If you're member of Audible, you can listen to them free! The audio versions can be found here: Outcast Ops: African Firestorm (Audible), Outcast Ops: Red Ice (Audible), Outcast Ops: Watchlist (Audible) and Outcast Ops: Shadow Gov (Audible)

The audios for Game of Drones Games of Drones (Audible) and The Poseidon Initiative The Poseidon Initiative are also up on Audible, or though Amazon!

Please read or listen and leave a review!